The Paradise Rotary Vocational Committee hosts an annual Career Expo at Paradise High School, and students from all schools within the boundaries of Paradise Unified School District (Public, Private, and Charter) have the opportunity to participate in this exciting event. Students can learn about a wide variety of potential career paths and post-secondary options that will prepare them for the next chapter of their educational journey, while enhancing the workforce development pipeline in our community.
A number of education and workforce agencies, along with local businesses, have collaborated to provide Ridge students this opportunity for “Career Exploration.” More than fifty local industry professionals representing in-demand career fields from across the county are in attendance, and students are able to receive valuable firsthand information from each, including minimum qualifications, educational requirements, salary expectations, and more.
By attending the Career Expo, students can grow their knowledge of local career opportunities and begin to identify areas of interest in potential career paths and post-secondary options, including Career Technical Education (CTE) opportunities.
Special education students are provided access to industry experts offering feedback related to opportunities for Vocational and Educational skills development for adults with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Students and families are provided transitional information, highlighting opportunities to work with local agencies to build high school to workforce transition pathways.
The Paradise Rotary Vocational Committee also highlights “Women in Trades," a focus on encouraging female students to see themselves in traditionally male-dominated careers. This will be supported through our community and trade partners highlighting their own successful female employees in leadership roles.​

Career clusters typically highlighted at the Expo:
Construction Industry
Electrical Industry
Plumbing Industry
Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications
Business Management and Administration
Education & Training
Government and Public Administration
Law, Public Safety, EMS and CAL FIRE
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Health Occupations
Manufacturing / Fabrication

High school students can participate in the following ways:
Learn about work-based learning (WBL) opportunities
Attend industry panel, featuring keynote speakers and discussions
Attend information sessions at booths in areas of interest
Complete a Career Expo worksheet to identify areas of interest
Attend career planning support sessions provided by student’s school following the Expo
Learn about postsecondary education, training, and apprenticeship opportunities, post-Expo
Career Expo 2024
Photos by Monique Durán, U.T.B. Studios
Career Expo 2023
Photos by Donn Thomson, Rotary Club of Paradise
Career Expo 2022
Photos by Jason Weinrich, Watershed Media